South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulders are strong, versatile joints we rely on almost instinctively every day. However, joints are prone to injury by nature. Once a shoulder injury occurs, it can be a very painful process that can worsen over time. Without proper treatment, shoulder injuries can become inflamed or chronic and evolve into arthritis and other painful complications.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you pursue all workers’ compensation benefits available in the case of a work-related shoulder injury.

At Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A., we can help you to obtain compensation for a shoulder injury that occurred in the workplace. In addition to workers’ compensation benefits, we can help determine if your accident may have been caused by the negligence of a third party, including a machine or equipment manufacturer. In these cases, additional compensation may be within reach due to third-party liability.

South Carolina Rotator Cuff Injury Lawyer

Work-related repetitive motions and on-the-job accidents causing blunt trauma and physical strain can lead to rotator cuff injuries, muscle tears, dislocations, fractured clavicles and other serious shoulder injuries.

Treating a shoulder injury usually means long hours of physical therapy sessions, sometimes for months. Often shoulder injuries require surgery, but in all cases arm movements can be severely restricted.

Shoulder injuries are among the most common workers’ compensation claims. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help protect your rights and ensure you receive all the benefits to which you are entitled.

If you or a loved one has a work-related back injury in South Carolina, contact Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A., today by telephone at 843-722-2588 to arrange a consultation with an experienced back injury lawyer in Charleston.

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Contact Information

Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A.
116 Church Street
Charleston, S.C. 29401

Telephone 843-722-2588

Contact Information

Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A.
116 Church Street
Charleston, S.C. 29401

Telephone 843-722-2588