South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney

Charleston Ladder Accident Lawyer

Construction workers share the top spot as the riskiest line of work, along with transportation and warehouse workers. Among the most dangerous spots in a construction site are at the top of a ladder or on a scaffold.

In spite of a reduction to the number of workplace deaths, falls from ladders and scaffold continue to happen. In fact, falls that happen on construction sites are the single leading cause of workplace deaths in the United States.

If you have been injured in a fall from a ladder or scaffold, an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you obtain the maximum Workers’ Compensation Benefits to which you qualify as a result of your on-the-job injury or work-related accident. At Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A., we are here to defend your rights.

South Carolina Scaffolding Injury Lawyer

The consequences of a fall from the heights of ladders and scaffold are often serious catastrophic injuries, including traumatic brain injury, multiple fractures and quadriplegia, leading to lifelong disabilities. At the very least, a lengthy and costly rehabilitation will significantly affect your financial and personal circumstances.

If you have been injured in fall from a ladder or scaffold, an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you obtain the maximum Workers’ Compensation Benefits for which you qualify as a result of a workplace accident or on-the-job injury.

At Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A., we may also pursue additional premises liability compensation for you if the site where your accident took place was unsafe. If the negligence of a third party (not your employer) contributed in any way to your accident, you may also be entitled to third-party liability compensation.

Charleston Tree Cutting And Trimming Injury Lawyer

Tree cutting, trimming, and maintenance account for many on the job injuries every year in the United States. Tree climbing and maintenance related injuries can occur in many ways including injuries from falls, tree equipment related accidents, and injuries from falling debris. At Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A., we have extensive experience representing injured workers and will seek to obtain the maximum Workers’ Compensation Benefits to which they are entitled resulting from on the job, tree work related injuries and accidents.

Contact us today online or by telephone at 843-722-2588 to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable injury and accident lawyer in Charleston.

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Contact Information

Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A.
116 Church Street
Charleston, S.C. 29401

Telephone 843-722-2588

Contact Information

Alan M. Tanenbaum, P.A.
116 Church Street
Charleston, S.C. 29401

Telephone 843-722-2588